Wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here

St. Stephen’s is accepting proposals from non-profit organizations with current 501(c)3 status that help people in Addison County.

We invite you to explore the information and instructions by downloading the Grant Application here.

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 3 Main Street, Middlebury will offer English music of the late 19th and early 20th centuries at Choral Evensong on Sunday, March 23 at 4:00 pm. There is no admission charge and all are welcome to attend. Evensong is an English medieval term for the afternoon/evening prayer service known as vespers. A traditional Anglican rite, Evensong combines the monastic evening services of vespers and compline according to Sarum use. The Sarum Rite, adopted from the Roman Rite after the 1066 Norman conquest, originates from the Diocese of Salisbury. Choral Evensong is sung and beloved in Anglican cathedrals and parish churches worldwide. Singing prayers, Psalms, canticles and anthems brings unity of purpose to the prayers offered on behalf of God’s creation. Much music is sung by the choir alone, with the congregation joining for two hymns. Many find that this style of service can help give a meditative gateway as the day comes to a close.  

The organ prelude and postlude will be two movements from Edward Elgar’s great Organ Sonata in G major (1895). The first movement of the sonata, which will be heard as the postlude, was played at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. The anthem will be John Ireland’s Greater Love Hath No Man (1912), a piece intended as a cantata-like meditation for Passiontide, but which gained a special resonance throughout the English speaking world after the outbreak of war in 1914. The Preces and Responses are being sung to a setting by Richard Ayleward (1626-1669), organist and choirmaster of Norwich Cathedral. The Evening Canticles will be the setting in b minor by T. Tertius Noble (1898), composed while he was Director of Music at York Minster. In 1913 Noble moved to America to establish the Saint Thomas Choir School and an Anglican cathedral style music program at the noted church on Fifth Avenue at 53rd Street.

York Minster, the second largest Gothic cathedral of Northern Europe. T. Tertius Noble was director of music here from 1898-1913.

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St. Stephen’s is a generous, loving and active community of faith seeking ever deeper ways to live out our faith in Jesus and to share God’s light in the world.  We live our faith joyously in worship, in learning, and in service; caring for each other, for our community, and for our 198 year-old church in the heart of Middlebury. 

We are an inclusive congregation that welcomes diversity and celebrates difference as part of God’s creation.


Our Mission

To be an inclusive community awake to God in worship, learning, and service.

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Our Worship Schedule

(Click photos for details)

Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Godly Play

Wednesday Noonday Eucharist

Thursday Meditation

Saturday Compline


The town of Middlebury lies at the eastern edge of the Champlain Valley, at the foot of the Green Mountains. It is home to Middlebury College, businesses large and small, and all the services of a shire town.

Addison County is a hub for biking, skiing, hiking, and other outdoor pleasures. Culturally, we have the College and all its offerings as well as Middlebury’s Town Hall Theatre and other smaller community events. We have a year-round farmers’ market and in the surrounding area, several CSAs. St. Stephen’s is deeply integrated into this life, but its reach goes beyond even Addison County. Parishioners drive as much as 30 miles to be part of a parish community that has a deeply spiritual life and an active social justice mission.

To ask questions, please contact our Parish Office.

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