Community Service


Serving the world and serving the needy are two of the concrete demands of Christian discipleship.

In our baptismal covenant each of us promises “to seek and serve Christ in all persons...and to strive for justice and peace among all people, [respecting] the dignity of every human person.” The people of St. Stephen’s are deeply committed to working for the benefit of all God's children. Through financial aid, outreach projects, development initiatives, and education we both serve others and discover more about who God is calling us to be. We recognize Christ in ourselves and in all others; we welcome and support all people with love and compassion.  Many of our programs are interfaith efforts that connect us to the wider community of faith in the Middlebury area. Those connections increase the impact of all that we do together. We have several community services ministries, join us!

Learn More About Our Programs


Community Connections


St. Stephen’s works closely with our community partners to help build a strong community and to assist those in need. 

We worship joyfully, intently, according to our tradition.