Pastoral Lay Ministry
at St. Stephen’s
Pastoral Lay Ministry acts as a bridge between committed volunteer parishioners and those who are experiencing difficult transitions, either through loss, relocation, illness or other problems. Members of this Ministry visit parishioners who are ill, homebound or in long-term care.
● Some help at our monthly Communion services at Helen Porter Health Care and Rehab and The Residence in Middlebury.
● Several are Eucharistic Visitors, able to provide communion at the direction of the clergy.
● The Loaves and Fishes subcommittee provides meals for those who need them.
Members of the Pastoral Lay Ministry meet on a quarterly basis. They must have completed Safe Church training before they may visit home-bound parishioners. If you are interested in this ministry or know someone who would appreciate a visit, please contact Annemarie Deering, Parish Administrator, (ststephensmiddlebury@gmail.com) phone: 802.388.7200.
Other Lay Ministries: There are many roles parishioners can play to support worship at St. Stephen’s:
Lectors & Intercessors
Lectors participate in worship services reading the scripture lessons appointed for that day. They also read lessons for special services. Being a lector requires skill and confidence in reading in public. Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People during Eucharist
Ushers extend a friendly welcome to parishioners and visitors to Sunday worship. They pass alms plates and assist the congregation during communion. They serve in teams and also serve at funerals and special services.
Acolytes and Crucifers
Youth acolytes lead processions as torchbearers, take responsibility for lighting and extinguishing candles at the altar, and assist priests and deacons in preparation for communion.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers help administer Communion at the Holy Eucharist. They also serve occasionally for weddings, funerals, and other services. Training is required.
Altar Guild
Altar Guild volunteers prepare for a minimum of three services per week. They clean the chancel, prepare the altar, wash and iron linens, and obtain and arrange flowers. They are also responsible for special services such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals and for decorating the church at Christmas and Easter. They meet twice a year to polish silver and brass, exchange ideas, consume goodies, laugh, and socialize.