Neighbors Together
Neighbors, Together is a grassroots community action group, composed of representatives from a variety of businesses and organizations, that works together to support economic, social and cultural vitality and accessibility throughout the railroad construction project that has disrupted Middlebury’s downtown for several years. This group was initially formed by St. Stephen’s. We held a series of community forums to gather information about ways we can all work together to support our businesses and community throughout the project. Neighbors Together has now become a grassroots community action group composed of representatives from St. Stephen’s and a variety of other businesses and organizations to support the economic, social, and cultural vitality of downtown Middlebury throughout the construction project.
Interested in supporting our town throughout this project? Contact one of the St. Stephen’s committee members for more information on how to volunteer. Nancy Malcolm and Linda Horn, co-chairs, Eric Davis, Ed McGuire, and May Morris or visit the Experience Middlebury Web site.